Mayday Climate Action Reports

Submitted by Anonymous on Sun, 05/04/2008 - 20:28

Mayday Mayday! Activists target climate snatchers around the country.

eon coventryCoventry
Leamington Rising Tide and People and Planet visited the E.on headquarters at Westwood Business Park in Coventry to expose the truth behind E.on's greenwash and show that carbon capture is a false solution to the problem of climate change. People arrived at 8am to hand fliers to the workers. One protester occupied the roof of the building. Banners were erected reading "POLLUTE.ON NO MORE GREEN WASH". There was juggling and a picnic outside the doors of the building as the protestors waited for a march of students from Warwick University People and Planet to arrive at 1.30. The marchers came with a replica model of the coal power station and a game of 'catch the carbon' with balloons and nets. The protesters gathered outside the building and then the sign outside was painted green to symbolise the e.ons greenwash.

Cleaning CoalLondon
On May 1st, the new upstart Coal Cleaning Company launched their enterprise outside the offices of E.ON, who are their first customer. According to the chatty cleaners, “There’s no mess too big! We make coal Fossil Fuel Fresh ™”. The climate activists targeted E.ON for their promotion of ‘false capitalist solutions’ to climate change. E.ON is exploiting the idea of a future Carbon Capture and Storage system to justify building a new coal fired power station at Kingsnorth.

Members of the Earth Liberation Front and Animal Liberation Front joined forces to carry out an action against unnecessary urban development in the south-west. Ecoteurs broke into the construction site that is building yet another bridge for the transport of motorized vehicles. A 4x4 was found, paintstripped, all sides completely scarred, tyres damaged, whilst a truck and JCB had logos removed and sides stripped. The flawed concept of "building our way out of congestion" will no longer be tolerated at the expense of the rivers wildlife and £8 million of tax payers money spent on this project.

Some people from Rising Tide and Earth First got together this Saturday for a Critical Mass to Sizewell nuclear power station to highlight that nuclear is not a solution to climate change. We turned up at the meeting point – a train station in the tiny Suffolk village of Saxmundham – to be greeted by 15 police officers including some FIT from London. As we set out on a lovely sunny ride through the countryside, the extent of the over-the-top police operation became clear as we passed several unmarked cars full of FIT photographers, the entrance to Sizewell guarded by another twenty cops, and a further ten congregated at our end-point on Sizewell beach. All told we reckon there were fifty cops on hand to police our fun family day out to Sizewell.

People from groups across the city and both Universities took part in a banner protest outside Royal Bank of Scotland's central branch in the city. Leaflets were handed out sumarising RBS's climate crimes. The action was held today because, well, its Mayday and its the day of action against False Capitalist Solutions, of which investment in new oil is perhaps the dimmest idea of the lot!

For full details and non-UK action reports visit Days of Climate Action