RESOURCES-Aviation:UK Carbon Emitters - RTUK Lists compiled for Glasgow Agreement

During our administration of the UK Chapter of it's become starkly apparent that expansion is not just happening at the 8 usual suspect airports generally reported but at many more, currently more than 25. 

There are many ways airports are planning to expand and not just by seeking planning consents to increase passenger numbers, Air Traffic Movements (ATM), or a new runway - but by a combination of methods including not exclusively:-

  • Extending the runway or changing its composition=Airport Expansion;
  • Increasing the Public Safety (crash) Zone=Airport Expansion;
  • Building or extending existing terminals=Airport Expansion;
  • Building more aircraft stands and hangars=Airport Expansion;
  • Building an industrial estate/warehousing/hotels, increasing the airport's footprint=Airport Expansion;
  • Extending vehicle parking and access roadways=Airport Expansion;
  • Building a solar park to pretend your airport is carbon neutral by offsetting its ground emissions=Airport Expansion;
  • NOT using associated land but offsetting it against emissions, or planting trees on other land=Airport Expansion;
  • Extending opening hours=Airport Expansion;
  • Negotiating flight increases as part of Airspace Reviews=Airport Expansion;
  • Making more use of, or repurposing taxiways=Airport Expansion;
  • Publishing a wish-list Airport Master Plan=Airport Expansion;
  • Getting aspects of that Plan approved by Local Authorities and/or inserted in Local Plans for future use with Lawful Development Certificates (LDC)=Airport Expansion;
  • Pausing existing planning permissions or putting them on hold=Airport Expansion; and even
  • Obtaining retrospective planning permission=Airport Expansion!

You may live near a small local airport or airstrip but most regional airports started like that and further such expansion must stop if we are to stand any chance in our climate emergency of pegging average global temperature rises at 1.5degreesC. Ukgov's climate advisors, the Climate Change Committee, allow for no more than 25% growth in aviation passenger numbers on 2018 levels. Yet, expansions in the pipeline would result in more than 3 times this number. Attempting business-as-usual by greenwash offsetting and replacing kerosene with so-called Sustainable Aviation Fuels (SAF) won't succeed in delivering emissions cuts fast enough or indeed, at all. . Simply, we need to fly less and stop expansion.

UK airport expansions
There are more than 25 currently proposed UK Airport Expansions and more than 250 private, public and military airports and airstrips in the UK (with around 40 in Republic of Ireland). This resource is a living document in a constantly changing world but we've tried to list those airports expanding and the largest, with passenger numbers and climate/emissions data where available but mostly from 2019, before the Covid19 pandemic hit, as that's the base year we need to measure future growth from - if we fail to stop it, condemning us to a +2degreesC planet. Passenger number figures vary so we've gone for those that best match year ending 2019. For an overview of climate change and aviation more widely, see the UKgov House of Commons Library Briefing paper on Aviation, decarbonisation and climate change.     CBP-8826 20,  Sep'21.

For Regional Airports in the UK, Scope Emissions are defined thus:-

  • Direct emissions (Scope 1)–Emissions from airport-controlled sources (e.g. vehicles/ground support owned by airport, boilers, on-site power generation);
  • Indirect emissions (Scope 2) – Emissions from purchased energy (off-site electricity generation for heating, cooling, lighting);
  • Indirect emissions (Scope 3) – Emissions from other sources related to the airport (e.g. flights, aircraft ground movements, passenger and staff travel to the airport, waste disposal).

We'll endeavour to update the resource lists but will be relying on your assistance to help us. Please send your updates to with "Aviation (or Coal etc.) Update" as the subject.


  • Local Authority (LA)=Aberdeen City Council which voted against Climate Emergency Declaration (CED) Dec'19 but Net Zero Vision: will measure aviation with other emissions; Strategic Infrastructure plan mentions airport as DH connection . No current planning application submitted.h
  • Owned by= AGS Airports partnership ( Ferrovial & Macquarie).
  • Passengers:- 2017=3,090,272; 2018= 3m; 2019=3m; Planned capacity=4m - Increase on 2017=909,728 (29%) by 2020 underway and 2030 projected to 4.5m.  2019 Freight=0.006m tonnes.
  • Commercial Revenue 2019 (m£):- Retail & car parking=13.9; Property & operational facilities=4.2; Total non aeronautical revenue=18.1; Total aeronautical revenue=38.4.
  •  2019=#17 total flight emissions of passengers with 0.11 million tonnes CO2 (mtCO2), equivalent to yearly emissions from 56,500 cars. Total distance flown by fare-paying passengers 0.98bn kms at 115g CO2 per passenger km.
  • 72% Short haul/28% Medium. 2019 Air Transport Movements(ATM-Aircraft landings and take-offs)=76,100.
Belfast City George Best 
  • LA=Belfast City Council have climate "Roadmap" Long distance travel' and aviation excluded, but acknowledged as important and warranting attention.  No current planning application submitted.
  • Owner= 3i Group plc 
  • Passengers:- 2017=2,559,846; 2018=2,506; 2019=2.5m; Planned capacity=3.1m; Increase on 2017=540,154 (21%) by 2030 planned.
  • 2019=#20 total flight emissions of passengers with 0.08 mtCO2, equivalent to yearly emissions from 37,850 cars. Total distance flown by fare-paying passengers 0.57bn kms at 133g CO2 per passenger km.
  • 87% Short haul/13% Medium.  2019 ATM=34,300.
Belfast International  
  • LA= Antrim and Newtownabbey Borough Council.  No CED. No current planning application submitted.
  • Owner= VINCI Airports plc
  • Passengers:- 2017=5,836,735; 2018=6.2m; 2019=6.3m; Planned capacity=10m; Increase on 2017=4,163,265 (71%) by 2030; planned projected to 10.4m by 2050.
  • 2019=#13 total flight emissions of passengers with 0.28 mtCO2, equivalent to yearly emissions from 140,500 cars. Total distance flown by fare-paying passengers 3.28bn kms at 86g CO2 per passenger km.
  • 31% Short haul/67% Medium/2%Long. 2019 ATM=47,200.
(London) Biggin Hill (Kent)
  • Private airport.
  • LA= London Borough of Bromley in 2001 as freeholder of the airport succeeded in the Court of Appeal with a ruling prohibiting the airport operators from allowing tickets to be sold for flights into and out of the airport, thus preventing its use for scheduled or holiday charter flights, but allowing business aviation and corporate shuttles.
  • 2019 ATM=3k.
  • LA= Metropolitan Borough of Solihull. No CED. No current planning application submitted
  • Owned by 7 metropolitan boroughs of Birmingham (49%), Ontario Teachers' Pension Plan (48.25%) & employee share trust (2.75%).
  • Passengers:- 2017=12,982,180; 2018=12.4m; 2019=12.6m; Planned capacity=18m; Increase on 2017=5,017,820 (39%) by 2033 planned with £500m investment. Projected to 32.9m!
  • Airport HS2 link planned by 2033 to cut journeys to central London from 70 to 38mins.
  • 2019 Freight= 0.034m tonnes. Commercial Revenue 2019 m£: Retail & car parking=67.9; Property & operational facilities= 27.4; Total non aeronautical revenue= 95.3; Total aeronautical revenue= 65.5. 
  • Flybe ceased trading Apr'21 but ‘Flybe Ltd’ launched with new HQ and crew base with “operations scheduled to begin in early 2022.”
  • 2019=#6 total flight emissions of passengers with 0.95 mtCO2, equivalent to yearly emissions from 475,500 cars. Total distance flown by fare-paying passengers 11.90bn kms at 80g CO2 per passenger km.
  • 21% Short haul/45% Medium/34%Long.  2019 ATM=101,700.                                                                 
  • LA= Borough of Fylde. No CED. No current planning application submitted.
  • Owner Blackpool Council.
  • 2019 ATM=4k.
  • LA= Bournemouth,Christchurch & Poole which are a 2030 Net zero council but only "Seek to work with Bournemouth Airport to encourage reduce emissions fromflights and passenger travel"  .   No current planning application submitted.
  • Owned by Regional and City Airports division of Rigby Group plc.
  • Passengers: 2018=674k; 2019=679k; 2030 projected passenger numbers: 3-4m
  • Ambition for 1msqft business park adjacent to the airport on 75 acres of land. Existing Aviation Business Park already covers 200 acres.
  • 2019=#25 total flight emissions of passengers with 0.05 mtCO2, equivalent to yearly emissions from 23,550 cars. Total distance flown by fare-paying passengers 0.70bn kms at 67g CO2 per passenger km.
  • 34% Short haul/65% Medium/1%Long.  2019  ATM=5k.
  • LA= North Somerset Council which has a 2030 jurisdiction net zero but their Strategy & action plan has no mention.
  • Owned by Ontario Teachers' Pension Plan
  • Local planning committee rejected application including 3k new car parking spaces on green belt land and a transport hub but PI ( evidence submitted here ) approved 20% increase from 10 to 12m passengers p.a. Mar'21 – Bristol Airport re-confirms its commitment to expand .
  • Mar'22 JR variant Statutory Appeal to challenge in the High Court lodged to be heard 8&9th Nov in
    Bristol to consider issues relating to aviation emissions and biodiversity at Civic Justice Centre in Redcliffe. 
  • UKgov consultation on Bristol Airport's application for year-round slot coordination published Aug'22 closing on 5th Oct'22.
  • Passengers:- 2017=8,233,387; 2018=8.7m; 2019=9m; Planned capacity=12m; Increase on 2017=3,766,613 (46%) by 2025 planned; projected to 12.5m by 2030-50.
  • New Economics Foundation (NEF) remodelling of airport appraisal documentation of "Cumulative emissions 2025-2050" found 12.1mt CO2 equivalents compared to airport claim of 2mt.
  • BEIS 2021 departing emissions values £645m with an increase factor on 2020 of 2.2.
  • 2019=#9 total flight emissions of passengers with 0.49 mtCO2, equivalent to yearly emissions from 243,500 cars. Total distance flown by fare-paying passengers 6.36bn kms at 77g CO2 per passenger km. 
  • 41% Short haul/54% Medium/5%Long.  2019 ATM=62,300.
Cardiff Wales
  • LA= Vale of Glamorgan which has a 2030 jurisdiction net zero but Airport mentioned once as an emissions source.  No current planning application submitted.
  • Owned by Welsh Government
  • - which is determined to see increased passenger numbers and Oct'19 gave a £21.2m loan because airportt is currently ‘hampered by the disproportionate costs that smaller airports face’. 2040 Masterplan includes plans to build a new terminal, hotel and car park. Also plans to build a 100acre adjacent industrial estate.
  • Passengers:-2017=1,464,180; 2018=1.6m; 2019=1.6m; Planned capacity=3.2m; Increase on 2017=1,735,820 (119%) by 2040 planned and projected 2.5m by 2030. 
  • 2019=#16 total flight emissions of passengers with 0.12 mtCO2, equivalent to yearly emissions from 61k cars. Total distance flown by fare-paying passengers 1.49bn kms at 82g CO2 per passenger km.
  • 25% Short haul/52% Medium/23%Long. 2019 ATM=16.500.
(City of) Derry (Eglington)
  • Owned by Derry City and Strathbane District Council 
  • Passengers:-2018=189k; 2019=191k;  2019 ATM=3k
Doncaster/Sheffield (Robin Hood) 
(Durham Tees Valley) Teeside International (Darlington)

East Midlands International ("Nottingham") 

  • LA= Northwest Leicestershire District Council which has a 2030 net zero target but Calculate aviation emissions based on per capita air travel (not airport). Planning mentioned as an influence.  No current planning application submitted.
  • Owned by (Manchester Airport Holdings) Manchester Airports Group (MAG) made up by Manchester City Council (35.5%), Australian investors IFM Global Infrastructure Fund (35.5%) and 9 other Greater Manchester LAs (29%) 
  • Passengers:- 2017=4,877,545; 2018=4.7m; 2019=4.9m; Planned capacity=10m; Increase on 2017=5,122,455 (105%) by 2030-40 planned.
  • Mostly a major cargo hub with 2019:- around 1m packages and letters handled each night with UPS building a new £114m facility to double that. 
  • 2019=#12 total flight emissions of passengers with 0.30 mtCO2, equivalent to yearly emissions from 151,000 cars. Total distance flown by fare-paying passengers 4.35bn kms at 69g CO2 per passenger km. 
  • 14% Short haul/84% Medium/2%Long. 2019 ATM=55,900.
  • LA= Edinburgh City Council which has a 2030 jurisdiction net zero but airport Not mentioned . No current planning application submitted but £75m terminal expansion opened 2019 continuing with a larger program of investment in key terminal and airfield facilities till 2024 costed at £300m on new baggage system, more stands, access road and improved check-in facilities.
  • Owned by Global Infrastructure Partners
  • Passengers:- 2017=13,409,295; 2018=14.3m; 2019=14.7m; Planned capacity=16.5m; Increase on 2017=3,090,705 (23%) by 2021 underway. Projected 20.5m by 2030-50.
  • 2019 Freight=0.019mt. Commercial Revenue 2019 (m£): Retail & car parking= 83.4; Property & operational facilities=23.2; Total non aeronautical revenue=106.6; Total aeronautical revenue=114.4.  
  • 2019=#7 total flight emissions of passengers with 0.85 mtCO2, equivalent to yearly emissions from 425,000 cars. Total distance flown by fare-paying passengers 10 bn kms at 85g CO2 per passenger km. 
  • 37% Short haul/41% Medium/22%Long. 2019 ATM=126,400.
  • LA=East Devon District Council which has a 2040 net zero target but airport Not mentioned  No current planning application submitted but key to growth seen as building a £3m ‘Airpark’.
  • Owned by Regional & City Airports (RCA) the airports management division of Rigby Group plc
  • Passengers:- 2018=930k; 2019=934k
  • 2019=#22 total flight emissions of passengers with 0.05 mtCO2, equivalent to yearly emissions from 23,700 cars. Total distance flown by fare-paying passengers 0.51bn kms at 93g CO2 per passenger km. 
  • 41% Short haul/59% Medium.  2019 ATM=14,400

Farnborough (Hants)

  • Private airport, largest in UK.
  • LA= Rushmoor Borough Council. Permissions for 50k flights p.a. with cap of 8,900 flights on weekends and Bank Holidays granted after appeal to Planning Inspector 2011.
  • Owners from Sept'19 Macquarie Infrastructure and Real Assets (Europe) Ltd (Australia based infrastructure group), bought it and changed its name to Farnborough Airport Ltd. 
  • ATM:- 2018=29,958; 2019=32,522 including 8,750 at weekends. 
  • Home to DfT's Air Accidents Investigation Branch.
  • Petition to challenge new flightpath and expansion  .     
(London) Gatwick    
  • Planning Authority= Planning Inspectorate & SoS so theoretically governed by the Climate Change Act and Nationally Significant infrastructure (NSI) applications.
  • Owned by Ivy Holdco Ltd,  Global Infrastructure Partners & others
  • Feb'21 – London Plan backs Gatwick expansion over Heathrow’s third runway . Consultation closed Jul'22 on the regular use of the existing standby runway, which would increase number of 'planes by 35-40% p.a. and began DCO application process ( ) aiming to submit in first quarter of 2023. Still want to safeguard land in case brand new runway plans get resurrected in the future. 
  • Passengers:- 2017=45,553,837; 2018=46.1m; 2019=46.6m; Planned capacity=53m; Increase on 2017=7,446,163 (16%) by 2023. Projected to 70m in Master plan by 2032/33, potentially reaching 95m by 2050 if an entirely new runway is pursued. 
  • 2019:- Freight=0.113mt. Commercial Revenue (m£): Retail & car parking=279.6; Property & operational facilities=103.4; Total non-aeronautical revenue=383.0; Total aeronautical revenue=427.8.   
  • BEIS 2021 departing emissions values £9,196m with an increase factor on 2020 of 2.
  • 2019=#2 total flight emissions of passengers with 4.41 mtCO2, equivalent to yearly emissions from 1 Coal-fired power station. Total distance flown by fare-paying passengers 55.70bn kms at 79g CO2 per passenger km.
  • AEF’s carbon impact of expansion here - a 2nd runway would add over 1m tonnes of extra carbon p.a.
  •  21% Short haul/25% Medium/54%Long.  2019 ATM=280,700
  • LA= Renfrewshire which has a 2030 jurisdiction of net zero that Recognises airport and includes in calcs & future carbon budgets 
  • Owned by AGS Airports Ltd. a partnership between Ferrovial and Macquarie Infrastructure and Real Assets (MIRA).
  • No current planning application submitted but Glasgow Airport Investment Area will cost £39.1m and the project will also deliver a new bridge and roads aimed at improving connections between the Westway, Inchinnan and Airport Business Parks.
  •  - also to build largest solar farm (30acres) at any Scottish airport  
  • Passengers:- 2017=9,894,845; 2018=9.7m; 2019=9.6m; Planned capacity=16.4m; Increase on 2017=6,505,155 ( 66%) by 2040 planned. Projected to 13.35m by 2030 and 19.2m by 2050.
  • 2019=#8 total flight emissions of passengers with 0.60 mtCO2, equivalent to yearly emissions from 298,500 cars. Total distance flown by fare-paying passengers 7.04bn kms at 85g CO2 per passenger km.
  • 23% Short haul/43% Medium/34%Long.  2019 ATM=78,300
Gloucester (Staverton)  
  • LA= Tewkesbury Borough Council
  • Runway resurfacing, installation of new lighting and below-ground infrastructure in readiness for new radar to "unlock the airport’s commercial potential" now complete but one runway closed to enable development of new business park, CGX Connect.
  • UK’s busiest general aviation airport
  • Passengers:- 2012=15,245

(London) Heathrow

  •  Planning Authority= Planning Inspectorate & SoS so theoretically governed by the Climate Change Act and Nationally Significant infrastructure (NSI) applications.
  •  Owned by Heathrow Airport Holdings comprising of Ferrovial (25%), Qatar Holdings (20%) and others.  
  •  Supreme Court delivers its verdict of approval for 3rd runway expansion; case details and recording here & FoE’s arguments hereDec'20 – Supreme Court lifts the ban on Heathrow’s third runway proposals 
  • Must submit a DCO to proceed which will necessitate a subsequent PI. Airport has indicated this is not imminent. Government will decide upon review of ANPS after Jet Zero Aviation Strategy published in 2022.
  • Passengers:- 2017=77,987,524; 2018=80m; 2019=80.9m; 2030 projected=110 m; Planned capacity=130m; Increase on 2017=52,012,476 (67%) by 2050 but projected to 136m.
  • Already UK's biggest emitter of GHG, £18billion further expansion with another runway would boost 2019 ATM of 480k to 740k effectively creating a new airport the size of London Gatwick! 
  • Master Plan details what goes where including a new terminal 6 and moving the M25 London orbital motorway.
  • "Heathrow Airspace & future Operations Consultation" ended Mar'19, a fall-back, 25k super-extra flights expansion, above the 480k cap.
  • Dec'19 airport said expected to delay 3rd runway completion (then, till 2028-9) after the CAA refused their request to lift spending from £650m to £2.4bn before it received planning permission.
  • Heathrow claims pandemic strengthens case for expansion
  • Ukgov documents all in one place here:- Heathrow Airport expansion
  • 2019:- Freight=1.587mt. Commercial Revenue (m£): Retail & car parking=722; Property & operational facilities=423; Total non aeronautical revenue=1145; Total aeronautical revenue=1831.
  • BEIS 2021 departing emissions values £49,212m with an increase factor on 2020 of 2.  
  • 2019=#1 total flight emissions of passengers with 16.20 mtCO2, equivalent to yearly emissions from 4 coal-fired power stations! Total distance flown by fare-paying passengers 171bn kms at 95g CO2 per passenger km.
  • 8% Short haul/6% Medium/86%Long.  2019 ATM=475,900. 
  • LA=North Lincolnshire has No mention of airport in Carbon Management Plan (even under 'Transport')  No current planning application submitted but continued expansion of Humberside Airport Business Park including BAE Systems’ £5m national training academy, road scheme and £7m Hotel.
  • Owned by Humberside International Airport Ltd comprising Eastern Group (82.7%) & North Lincolnshire Council (17.3%)
  • Passengers:- 2018=186k; 2019=192k.  2019 ATM=6,700.
  • LA=Highland Council which has 2025 jurisdiction net zero but only Reducing staff travel to cut carbon & costs (Corporate Plan, updated 2019) . No current planning application submitted but pushing for new rail station.
  • Owned by Scottish Government
  • Passengers:- 2018=903k; 2019=895k
  • 2019=#26 total flight emissions of passengers with 0.04 mtCO2, equivalent to yearly emissions from 19,700 cars. Total distance flown by fare-paying passengers 0.33bn kms at 121g CO2 per passenger km.
  • 100% Short haul.  2019 ATM=12,500.
  •  2019=#25 total flight emissions of passengers with 0.05 mtCO2, equivalent to yearly emissions from 23,550 cars. Total distance flown by fare-paying passengers 0.3bn kms at 156g CO2 per passenger km.
  • 99% Short haul/1% Medium.
Liverpool John Lennon 
  • LA= both Liverpool City & Halton Councils of which Liverpool has a 2030 Jurisdiction net zero CED.
  • Technically no current planning application submitted but has proceeded through the Local Plan adoption process with both council's approval leading to a Lawful Development Certificate (LDC).  Masterplan ‘Strategic Vision to 2030’ sets out how it wants to spend £100m this decade expanding its terminal building, adding car parking and extending the runway, annexing 252acres of greenbelt!
  • Planned 3MW solar farm, 5,616 panels on 14acres within boundary, apparently connected to Liverpool City Region pathway Net Zero Report LDC application was rejected.
  • Owned by Peel Airports Group
  • Passengers:- 2017=4,896,603; 2018=5m; 2019=5m; Planned capacity=7.8m; Increase on 2017=2,903,397 (59%) by 2030 planned and projected to 11m by 2050.
  • 2019=#15 total flight emissions of passengers with 0.25 mtCO2, equivalent to yearly emissions from 127,000 cars. Total distance flown by fare-paying passengers 3.26bn kms at 78g CO2 per passenger km.
  • 33% Short haul/67% Medium. 2019 ATM=34,800
London City 
(London) Luton  
  • LA= Luton Borough Council which has a CED with 2040 Net zero jurisdiction, however Climate plan mentions airport only regarding solar PV locations, offsetting contributors.  
  • Owned by Luton Borough Council via London Luton Airport Ltd.  
  • Planning application to increase capacity by 1m 19m submitted Jan'21. Further 13m expected. Dec'21 Council approves the application subject to conditions but SoS directs them not to grant permission until he has considered whether the application should be referred to him for determination.  However the Airport, which intends to build a 2nd terminal, held a statutory consultation on proposals to increase from 18m p.p.a. to 32m! Apr'22 SoS called in the decision and announces a public inquiry commenced on 27th Sept'22.
  • A Nationally Significant Infrastructure (NSI) application plus non-nationally significant infrastructure application. Current plans would lead to the loss of Wigmore Park covering over 70 acres. 
  • Passengers:- 2017=15,989,225; 2018=16.6m; 2019=16.9m; Planned capacity=18m; Increase on 2017=2,010,775 (13%) by 2020 available capacity. Projected to 32m by 2039 and 38m by 2050.
  • 2019:- Freight=0.037mt. Commercial Revenue (m£): Retail & car parking=106.8; Property & operational facilities=18.2; Total non-aeronautical revenue=125; Total aeronautical revenue=101.9. 
  • New BEIS 2021 departing emissions values £5,231m with an increase factor on 2020 of 2.
  •  2019=#5 total flight emissions of passengers with 1.02 mtCO2, equivalent to yearly emissions from 510,000 cars. Total distance flown by fare-paying passengers 13.90bn kms at 73g CO2 per passenger km. 
  • 35% Short haul/65% Medium.  2019 ATM=112,200.
Lydd (Kent) (London Ashford)
  • LA= Shepway District Council. 
  • Owned by FAL Holding Ltd, based in Saudi Arabia.
  • Apr'13 Granted planning permission for a 444m runway extension and new terminal to increase its passenger numbers to 500k. Sufficient work has been done for the airport to discharge its obligation to extend the runway within 3 years and has until 2023 to build the new terminal. 
  • Passengers:- 2008=2k; 2009=588. 
  • Owned by (Manchester Airport Holdings) Manchester Airports Group (MAG) made up by Manchester City Council (35.5%), Australian investors IFM Global Infrastructure Fund (35.5%) and 9 other Greater Manchester LAs (29%) 
  • No current planning application submitted but MAG has a 50% investment in the £1 billion, 5 million sqft Airport City development and £1bn expansion underway with upgraded Terminal 2 finished in 2022, 150% larger.
  • Passengers:- 2017=27,773,303; 2018=28.2m; 2019=29.4m; Planned capacity=55m; Increase on 2017=27,226,697 (98%) by 2050 but projected up to 38m by 2030.
  • Total Manchester Airport Group (MAG) Operations (including East midlands & Stanstead) 2019:- Passengers=61.9m;  Freight=0.675mt. Commercial Revenue (m£):- Retail & car parking=419.5; Property & operational facilities=115.4; Total non aeronautical revenue=534.9; Total aeronautical revenue=354.5.
  • 2019=#3 total flight emissions of passengers with 2.88 mtCO2, equivalent to yearly emissions from 1,440,000 cars. Total distance flown by fare-paying passengers 36bn kms at 80g CO2 per passenger km. 
  • 13% Short haul/37% Medium/50%Long. 2019 ATM=194,100.        
Manston, Kent 
  • LA= Broadland Council and Norwich City Councils, the latter with CED Jurisdiction net zero but Not mentioned in Norwich action plan. Counted in emissions.  
  • Oct'19 No current planning application submitted but Norwich City Council endorsed Master Plan - . The airport has been asked to provide evidence at the next masterplan review of what steps they will take to reduce the airport’s carbon impact.
  • Owned by Rigby Group airport division Regional & City Airports
  • Passengers:- 2018=532k; 2019=536k; Projected to treble to 1.4m by 2045.
  • 2019=#27 total flight emissions of passengers with 0.03 mtCO2, equivalent to yearly emissions from 13,200 cars. Total distance flown by fare-paying passengers 0.23bn kms at 117g CO2 per passenger km.
  • 40% Short haul/60% Medium. 2019 ATM=19,700.
(Glasgow) Prestwick
  • LA= South Ayrshire but has No mention in climate plan. No current planning application submitted
  • Owned by Scottish Government after being bought for £1 in 2013. Mar'20 Scottish Government's Transport Scotland loaned £43.4m. 2021 Scottish Ministers announced a preferred bidder had been chosen to buy the airport.
  • Passengers:- 2018=691k; 2019=678k. Commercial Revenue 2019 from retail & car parking=£2.7m.
  • 2019=#23 total flight emissions of passengers with 0.05 mtCO2, equivalent to yearly emissions from 23,650 cars. Total distance flown by fare-paying passengers 0.74bn kms at 64g CO2 per passenger km.
  • 2% Short haul/98% Medium. 2019 ATM=4,600.


  • LA= Southampton City (SC) Council & Eastleigh District (ED) Council, both have CED with 2030 jurisdiction but of airport SC Green City Plan, no mention. EC: Included in per capita emissions cuts requirement 
  • Owned by Ferrovial & Macquarie  
  • Apr'21 Eastleigh Borough Council granted permission to extend runway by 164m(538ft) but on appeal, a High Court original decision overturned and JR granted. This was lost in May'22 and leave to appeal was refused Aug'22. 
  • Passengers:- 2017=2,069,605; 2018=1.9m; 2019=2m; Planned capacity=5m; Increase on 2017=2,930,395 (142%) by 2037 planned with 4.5m by 2030 projected.
  • NEF remodelling of airport appraisal documentation of "cumulative emissions 2025-2050" found 16.1mt CO2 equivalents compared to airport claim of 10.1mt.
  • BEIS 2021 departing emissions value of £2.3m with increase factor on 2020 of 2.3
  • 2019=#21 total flight emissions of passengers with 0.06 mtCO2, equivalent to yearly emissions from 27,900 cars. Total distance flown by fare-paying passengers 0.41bn kms at 135g CO2 per passenger km.
  • 93% Short haul/7% Medium.  2019 ATM=31,500.

(London) Southend

  • LA= Southend-on-Sea (SC) & Rochford District (RD) Council with CED, the former with a 2050 jurisdiction but of airport SC: No mention - refers to JAAP. Airport JAAP mentions carbon management plan - in it, no mention of air traffic emissions. RD: no. 
  • Owned by Stobart Group  
  • No current planning application submitted but want to build new terminal and upgrade runway. Report in 2020 that a major deal with Amazon to fly in goods from around the world was signed.
  • Passengers:- 2017=1,091,738; 2018=1.4m; 2019=2m; Planned capacity=5m; Increase on 2017=3,908,262 (358%!) by 2023 underway but projected to be 10m by 2030-50.
  • 2019=#18 total flight emissions of passengers with 0.11 mtCO2, equivalent to yearly emissions from 53,000 cars. Total distance flown by fare-paying passengers 1.27bn kms at 84g CO2 per passenger km.
  • 54% Short haul/46% Medium.  2019 ATM=19k
(London) Stansted
  • LA= Uttlesford District Council with CED 2030 Net-zero target but airport Not mentioned  
  • Owned by (Manchester Airport Holdings) Manchester Airports Group (MAG) made up by Manchester City Council (35.5%), Australian investors IFM Global Infrastructure Fund (35.5%) and 9 other Greater Manchester LAs (29%) 
  • Following Council's rejection of plans to increase to 43m p.p.a., PI ( documents here ) approved expansion May'21 after appeal dismissed. Jan'21 – Stansted Airport inquiry begins as owner seeks to lift “flawed” block on expansion . Investing £600m in capacity and facilities but plans for new £150m arrivals terminal were put on hold in 2019.
  • Aug'22: Plans approved for 14.3MW solar farm the size of 225 Olympic swimming pools on 22.5 hectares of prime agricultural land, part of 'net zero' plan by 2038, destroying farmland to partly power the airport, not the flights of course...
  • Passengers:- 2017=25,902,618; 2018=28m; 2019=28.1m; Planned capacity= 43-4m; Increase on 2017=17,097,382 (66%) by 2030 approved capacity.
  • NEF remodelling of airport appraisal documentation of "cumulative emissions 2025-2050" found 42.4mt CO2 equivalents compared to airport claim of 5.2mt.
  • BEIS 2021 departing emissions values of £2,402m with increase factor on 2020 of 2.2
  • 2019=#4 total flight emissions of passengers with 1.48 mtCO2, equivalent to yearly emissions from 740,000 cars. Total distance flown by fare-paying passengers 20.1bn kms at 74g CO2 per passenger km.
  • 50% Short haul/46% Medium/4%Long. 2019 ATM=183,100


A list of all UK private, public and military airports and airstrips is listed here:- https://en.wikipedia.or/wiki/List_of_airports_in_the_United_Kingdom_and_the_British_Crown_Dependencies including these next largest included in location map attachment:-
in England:-  (London) RAF Northolt  Although a military airport it handles private civilian flights every day. Ruislip in L.B.Hillingdon; Brighton City (Shoreham - Passengers 2009=1,213); Cambridge (2009=1,774); Carlisle; Cotswold; Cranfield; Land's End (St.Just - 2018=63k; 2019=65k; 2019 ATM=8,300); Leicester; Oxford (Kidlington) 2010=2k); Penzance & Penzance Cornwall Heliport; Isles Of Scilly (St.Marys)2019 ATM=10,700. Passengers 2018=94k 2019=94k); Tresco (Isles of Scilly); Wolverhampton; Plymouth; 
in Scotland:- Highlands and Islands Airports Limited (HIAL) owned by Scottish Ministers is responsible for the management and operation of 11 regional airports at:- Barra(Outer Hebrides)2010=10k Passengers; 2019 ATM=1,300); Campbeltown (2010=9k; 2019 ATM=1k); Inverness(listed above); Kirkwall (Orkney)2018=171k; 2019=169k. 2019 ATM=10,700); Stornoway (Lewis)2018=137k; 2019=132k. 2019 ATM=5,700); Sumburgh (Shetland)2018=257k; 2019=247k. 2019 ATM=12,400. N.B. Shetland's Scatsa Airport closed Jun '20(2019=170k. 2019 ATM=4,800) so 2019 total Shetland therefore 417k with ATM total 17,200);  Tiree (2010=8k; 2019 ATM=1,500); Wick John O’Groats (2010=22k; 2019 ATM=1,300); Benbecula(Outer Hebrides)2018=34k; 2019=36k. 2019 ATM=1,900; Islay (2018=34k; 2019=34k; 2019 ATM=1,800); Dundee (2018=21k; 2019=21k; 2019 ATM=1,200); & Lerwick (Tingwall)2019 ATM=900k);
in Wales:- Aberporth; Anglesey; Caernarfon; Haverfordwest; Hawarden; Llanbedr; Pembrey; Swansea; & Welshpool;
in Northern Ireland:- Enniskillen/St Angelo & Newtownards.
and in British Crown Dependencies:- Guernsey; Isle of Man; Jersey(above) & Alderney - Oct'22 States of Guernsey will vote on whether to move ahead with plans to expand and refurbish the airport on the island of Alderney at an inflated cost of £24M, double the £12M sum agreed in 2019.

Republic of Ireland

Dublin  LA= Fingal Country Council & An Bord Pleanála (Irish DtP).  New 2nd runway to north of existing plus 35 new stands etc. scheduled for completion in 2023. Projected passengers 40m. 2019=#1 in Ireland for total flight emissions of passengers with 2.59 mtCO2, equivalent to yearly emissions from 1,295,000 cars. Total distance flown by fare-paying passengers 31.2bn kms at 83g CO2 per passenger km.  25% Short haul/25% Medium/50%Long.

Cork   2019=#3 in Ireland for total flight emissions of passengers with 0.12 mtCO2, equivalent to yearly emissions from 59,000 cars. Total distance flown by fare-paying passengers 1.41bn kms at 84g CO2 per passenger km.  47% Short haul/53% Medium.

Knock - Ireland West (Charlestown)  LA= County Mayo. 2019=#4 in Ireland for total flight emissions of passengers with 0.03 mtCO2, equivalent to yearly emissions from 15,450 cars. Total distance flown by fare-paying passengers 0.36bn kms at 87g CO2 per passenger km.  63% Short haul/37% Medium.
Kerry (Farranfore)  Passengers 2017=335,480
Shannon  2019=#2 in Ireland for total flight emissions of passengers with 0.14 mtCO2, equivalent to yearly emissions from 72,500 cars. Total distance flown by fare-paying passengers 1.58bn kms at 92g CO2 per passenger km.  17% Short haul/29% Medium/54%Long.

 UK-registered Airlines (Feb'22) :-

Scheduled passenger flight operators:-
Air Kilroe/Eastern Airways; BA CityFlyer; British Airways (2019=18.38MtCO2); Easyjet UK* (2019 Easyjet=4.83MtCO2); Jet2; LoganAir; Ryanair UK* (2019 Ryanair=12.28MtCO2); TUI Airways; Virgin Atlantic/ Virgin Atlantic International (2019=4.15MtCO2); Wizz Air UK*; & Flybe Ltd (scheduled from early 2022).

*Airlines which began operations after 2015, including airlines which were operating in the UK in 2015 but re-registered as part of setting up UK and non-UK subsidiaries.


CargoLogic Air; DHL Air; & West Atlantic UK.

Charter and other services:-

2Excel Aviation; AirTanker Services; BAe Systems Corporate Air Travel; Jota Aviation; RVL Aviation; TAG Aviation UK; & Titan Airways.

(Ceased operations since 2015:-

Monarch Airlines; British Midland Regional; Flybe; Norwegian Air UK; Cello Aviation; &Thomas Cook).

Lists of couriers, air freight companies etc. here:-

Climate data by numbers listed by country & airport here:-
HofCLibrary Research Briefing Apr'22 on Regional Airports:-
Some other data from NEF (New Economics Foundation, AEF (Aviation Environment Federation) and Exeter University.
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