Submitted by Anonymous on Fri, 06/08/2001 - 23:00
14.5.01 - 9.6.01

The Rising Tide climate change tour travelled around the UK, visiting 11 places and spreading information on climate change, inspiring action, and instilling hope that things really can get better, not just wetter.

stopping climate chaos with local action

The rising tide…

Rivers bursting their banks once, twice, and more, across the UK this winter; giant cracks in Antarctica's ice sheets; the 1990's was the warmest decade in the last 1000 years - the climate is in chaos.

Of course, changes in climate have taken place throughout Earth's history. But the speed of recent changes means that even United Nations-appointed scientists, the IPCC*, admit that climate chaos is accelerated by human behaviour. And that this chaos may have disastrous consequences.

Climate change means more than grape-growing in Birmingham (or malaria in Margate) - it is a problem of social justice. The majority of greenhouse gases (the gases that speed up climate change) are emitted by the more wealthy. The first to feel the impacts are the poor, and they have limited resources to respond.

By 2020 climate chaos will lead to over 20 million people, from Yorkshire to Papua
New Guinea and across the world, having to leave their homes as 'environmental refugees'. The IPCC calls for cuts in greenhouse gas emissions of 60 - 90% - yet UN climate talks in November collapsed, with governments more interested in maintaining economic growth, regardless of the consequences.

Taking action…

People from different backgrounds, who share a concern for climate justice, have got together to do something about this - and are starting off with the Rising Tide Tour.

The Tour will visit 12 places in May and June, inspiring action around climate change; seeking solutions based in our own lives; and building up pressure before the next UN climate talks in Germany this July.

Adapting to the ideas and priorities of groups
that invite us to visit, the Tour can provide:

• speakers for a public meeting

• support for groups planning direct action

• workshops on issues around climate change

• energy to help your group translate its ideas
into practice For info on Tour stops near you
contact climatechaos@yahoo.com

* IPCC - Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change

Rising Tide Radio...
will also be broadcasting on 87.7 FM in each town we're visiting except Edinburgh where it's 106.6. It will be pumping out salacious non-party political propaganda, an interview with Vandana Shiva, local and global action info and other chaos-strewn homemade recordings from recent events such as the MayDay critical mass.


Tour News

14th-16th May: RisingTide Tour visits Edinburgh

'Well, what an impressive event Rising Tides put on up here in sunny Edinburgh. Really professional, well thought through and geared to action! For a simple collection of like minded individuals as they call themselves, they had the place buzzing. They've already sent round an e-mail saying where next, keeping us on our toes. Thanks for letting me know about it, and we'll see where it leads.'

Make sure you catch the tour as they pass through your town..

Event Details

Liverpool: Thurs 24th May, 6pm-11pm
An infotainment evening at The Blackie
Gt. George St. next to the Chinese Arch

York: Friday 25th May, 5 pm
Critical Mass
Meeting place to be confirmed!

Reading: Friday 8th June, 7.30pm
Reading International Solidarity Centre (RISC)
35 - 39 London Street
Reading RG1 4PS
Tel: 0118 958 6692

Oxford: Saturday 9th June, 6 to11pm
Infotainment - 6 to 9pm
Benefit gig with Seize the Day, £5/£4 - 9:30 to11pm
East Oxford Community Centre,
Cowley Rd, corner of Princes St.
Tel: 01865 241097.