International Stop the Tar Sands Day

Submitted by Anonymous on Mon, 06/06/2011 - 19:33

Int Tar Sands Day Saturday 18 June 12 noon outside the Canadian High Commission, Grosvenor Square, London On 18 June the biggest ever international demonstration against the Tar Sands will take place, with people holding events outside Canadian Embassies around the world. Join us in London and help: - Raise awareness of the world's most destructive project - Let Canada know that the whole world considers tar sands a step too far in dirty development - Demand a moratorium on further exploitation of tar sands

Listen to powerful speakers and entertaining music; join us in a massive game of Oily World Volleyball; and bring flowers and messages to deliver our sombre feelings to the Commission. This is a defining moment in our history, a time to make a choice, to draw a line in the sand and say this is too far, too much is at stake and we have to make it our choice. More info: / Join the Facebook group:
